LATIN AMERICA. Koike, Hamaguchi and Abe [Editors]: WORLDS’S CONTEMPORARY HOUSES 5 [Latin America]. Tokyo: Shokokusha Publishing Co., 1955.

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Latin America

Shinji Koike, Ryuichi Hamaguchi and Kimimasa Abe [Editors]

Shinji Koike, Ryuichi Hamaguchi and Kimimasa Abe [Editors]: WORLDS’S CONTEMPORARY HOUSES 5 [Latin America]. Tokyo: Shokokusha Publishing Co., 1955. First edition. Text in Japanese with English headers and captions. Oblong quarto. Stamped oatmeal boards decorated in yellow. Photo illustrated dust jacket. 92 pp. 2 color plates. 26 residences profiled with black and white photographs and floor plans. A nearly fine copy in a nearly fine dust jacket housed in publishers decorated corrugated cardboard slipcase. Uncommon.

11.75 x 8.5 hardcover book profiling 26 residences in 92 pages profusely illustrated with 2 color plates and beautifully-printed black and white  photographs and floor plans. This is the Latin America Volume from a six-volume set designed to showcase the best in international residential architecture, circa 1954, and it is a lavish production. Every element -- from the photography, typography, layout, paper stock and binding -- are all first rate and show the absolute highest quality that Japanese publishing was capable.


  • Preface
  • Contemporary Houses in Mexico and Brazil
  • Brazil: Lina Bo Bardi (w/color plate), Oswardo Arthur Bratke, Oscar Niemeyer, Lygia Fernandes, Rino Levi, Clovis Felippe Olga, Rodolpho Ortenblad Filho, Rubens Carneiro Vianna, and Eduardo Kneese De Mello.
  • Mexico: Anshen & Allen (w/color plate), Mario Pani And Enrique Del Moral, Max Cetto, Carlos Reyes Navarro, Victor De La Lama, Hector Velazquez and Ramon Torres, Jesus Garcia Collantes, and Felipe Salido Torres.
  • Argentina & Uruguay: Antonio Bonet.

In terms of decor, there is none of that Chippendale jive here-- every residential interior is decked out in full midcentury glory. Features furniture designed by Clare Porset and Michael Van Beuren. My highest recommendation.
