Vittorio Gregotti [Editor]
Vittorio Gregotti [editor]: 55 RASSEGNA [L'ARCHEOLOGIA DEGLI ARCHITETTI]. Milan: CIPIA, 1993. Original edition [anno XV, 55/3 -- September 1993]. Text in Italian. A very good soft cover book with thick printed French folded wrappers and minor shelf wear. Interior unmarked and very clean. Out-of-print.
9 x 12 soft cover book with 120 well-illustrated pages. The bulk of the journal [88 pages] is devoted to L'ARCHEOLOGIA DEGLI ARCHITETTI [The Archaeology of Architects].
- Introduzione by Dario Matteoni
- Discorso sulle rovine [Discourse on Ruins] by Frederic Pousin
- Antichita per l'architetto: gli interni neoclassici inglesi [Antiquity for the Designer: the British Neoclassical Interior] by John Wilton-Ely
- Una carriera per l'archeologia. Il caso di Pierre-Adrien Paris [A Career for Archaeology. The Case of Pierre-Adrien Paris] by Pierre Pinon
- Luigi Canina architetto e archeologo [Luiga Canina, Architect and Archaeologist] by Susanna Pasquali
- Aloys Hirt dall'archeologia alla storia [Aloys Hirt from Archaeology to History] by Werner Szambien
- I grandi scavi francesi e tedeschi in Grecia e in Asia Minore alla fine del XIX secolo [The Great German and French Excavations in Greece and Asia Minor in the Late 19th century] by Marie-Christine Hellmann
- Alla scoperta dell'antichita preclassica [The Discovery of Pre-classical Antiquity] by Didier Laroche
- Italo Gismondi e la lezione di Ostia Antica [Italo Gismondi and the Lesson of Ostia Antica] by Alessandro Muntoni
- Le riconstruzioni di Roma nei plastici di Bigot e di Gismondi [The Reconstructions of Rome in Bigot and Gismondi's Models] by Giuseppina Pisano Sartorio
- Sponsors' section includes projects by Teuco, Abert Laminati, B&B Italia, Castelli, iGuzzini illuminazione, Molteni & C., and Sabiem
Drawings by Louis Kahn, Le Corbusier, J.-D. Leroy, J. Stuart, G. B. Piranesi, E. Pontremoli, P.-A. Paris, L. Canina, A. Hirt, K. F. Schinkel, P. de Jong, Josef Hoffmann, and I. Gismondi among many others.
Under the loose directorship of Vittorio Gregotti, Rassegna was an Italian Design magazine underwritten by six Italian firms: Ariston, B&B Italia, Castelli, iGuzzini illuminazione, Molteni and co., and Sabiem. Each issue is devoted to a single designer or theme and is lavishly produced, with high-quality reproduction and carefully selected and presented illustrations.