Vittorio Gregotti [Editor]
Vittorio Gregotti [editor]: 57 RASSEGNA [ACQUEDOTTI]. Milan: CIPIA, 1994. Original edition [anno XVI, 57/1 -- March 1994]. Text in Italian. A very good soft cover book with thick printed French folded wrappers and minor shelf wear. Interior unmarked and very clean. Out-of-print.
9 x 12 soft cover book with 114 well-illustrated pages. The bulk of the journal [88 pages] is devoted to ACQUEDOTTI.
- Editoriale by Vittorio Gregotti
- Acqua per la citta by Andre Guillerme
- Gli acquedotti di Roma antica by Giovanni Tedeschi Grisanti
- Pozzi e fontane nella citta medieval by Daniele Alexandre-Bidon
- Economia e acquedotti: il caso degli Stati Uniti by Charles D. Jacobson e Joel A Tarr
- Le architetture dell'acqua
- Per un lessico di architettura
- Sponsors' section includes projects by Abet Laminati, B&B Italia, Castelli, iGuzzini, Molteni&C., and Sabiem
Under the loose directorship of Vittorio Gregotti, Rassegna was an Italian Design magazine underwritten by six Italian firms: Ariston, B&B Italia, Castelli, iGuzzini illuminazione, Molteni and co., and Sabiem. Each issue is devoted to a single designer or theme and is lavishly produced, with high-quality reproduction and carefully selected and presented illustrations.